I mentioned in the last post that I was considering recording some videos of me speaking Chinese. Well, here’s the first one. If I do ‘live conversation’ videos in the future my level will appear to go down considerably, as this is a prepared speech.
老师,同学们,粉丝们, 你们好!很荣幸能向你们介绍我自己。我叫王连华,来自英国,今年二十三岁。我来中国学习汉语,正如你们都知道的,学习汉语是个体力活,而我是懒虫,所以学起来进步比较慢。
我是一个多才多艺的人。我的主要爱好是下各种棋和玩儿音乐。我特别喜欢下国际象棋,因为它很有意思,并且我是这方面的高手。另外我也喜欢下围棋和象棋,只不过我下得马马虎虎,技术还有待提高。音乐方面,弹吉他和拉低音提琴是我的特长。我喜欢用吉他弹古典音乐和弗拉门科曲子,那是一种西班牙的音乐。不过我最喜欢的是蓝调,因为用吉他演奏出来的蓝调别有一番味道。拉低音提琴的时候,我不喜欢一个人单独拉,而是喜欢跟管弦乐队一起演奏,那样在舞台上能引起观众的共鸣,让我更有感觉。我曾经是英国国家少儿管弦乐队,国家青年管弦乐队以及学校管弦乐队的一员,可惜后来我没有再在乐队待过。运动方面,我喜欢长跑和打壁球。 (I didn’t say the last couple of sentences.)
This is part of a speech I prepared for my speaking exam at the end of last term. I drafted the text, then had a native speaker edit and improve it, and then memorised it – thus it does not reflect my level when in a conversational setting. The rather immodest ‘我是一个多才多艺的人 – I’m a multi-talented person’ was added by the native speaker, but I’ve left it in so I can remember it and use it for other people. I forget the word for ‘orchestra’ at the end, but I didn’t feel it was worth doing a retake and probably just making a mistake somewhere else!
P.S. I’ve created a page where I’ll list all the characters I learn to write for the character challenge – it should be updated daily from Monday.
Amazing! All Dutch to me though. 😉